Who Do We Remember?

Dear Parents,

Today is Remembrance Day and during today’s chapel, we chose to slow down to remember. This took the form of videos from our military who offered their thoughts on the significance of Remembrance Day. It included a choral reading of “In Flanders Fields” by our grade 8 class. We also paused to listen to “The Last Post” and take a moment of silence. While all this took place, I looked out over our gym and saw our students and staff collectively stop everything. It was so silent that you could hear your own breathing. I wondered what was going on in others’ minds and the question came to me, “Who do we remember?”

For myself, memories flooded my mind about my grand-father who served in World War II and other individuals who still serve our country today. Later on, the focus of chapel shifted to Jesus and the work that He did on the cross to set us free. As verses were read and Amazing Grace was sung, a sense of peace and thankfulness rested over my heart.

I’m still left wondering, though, who did our students think about? Do they grasp the significance of the day? For some of our students, they have met a veteran before and thought about that experience. For our Korean students, they share a bond with Canada thanks to our military that fought alongside Korean forces to preserve their freedom. For families who immigrated to Canada within the last generation, there is a connection to a land of peace that is free from war and grants us the ability to worship God freely.

While our reflections on the day may vary, my hope is that the unifying thought that brings us together is Jesus. All other sacrifices pale in comparison to what He did for us on the cross. Even more astounding is that He died for those on both sides of the war, the ally and the enemy. Romans 5:8 reminds us that “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

As parents and community members, it is so important that we have these conversations with our children. This Remembrance Day ask yourself “Who do we remember?” and take time today to share your thoughts with others.

J-D Lussier, Principal

(the above picture was from a Grade 3 Remembrance Day collaborative art project)