psalm 103:17

Virtual Grandparent’s Day

Dear Parents,
What a blessing it was this morning to welcome our Trinity Grandparents and grandfriends to our chapel! While we wish the circumstances had been different and that we would be able to celebrate in person as in past years, we still wanted to take the opportunity to recognize the tremendous impact that each Grandparent has had on the lives of our students.

There are many verses that highlight the spiritual legacy that grandparents pass along to the next generations. It comes with a responsibility to declare the message of God’s faithfulness and love to those coming up after them so that God’s works are not forgotten. 
Psalm 103:17 says, “But the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children,” and Psalm 145:4 explains that, “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.”

In both Deuteronomy 4:9 and Psalm 71:17-18, there is imperative to let the next generation know of the wonderful things God has done so that they too can follow the right path and experience all God has for them. 
As parents and grandparents, your students are a testament that you have taken these words to heart and have invested in their lives wisely. Through your time, energy, and finances, you have sown into their lives and they are beginning to blossom. In 2 Timothy 1:15 Paul points out how Timothy’s faith was a reflection of the faith that started out in his grandmother Lois, mother Eunice and was passed along to the generations that followed.
We want to say thank you to each of you for the role that you have played and continue to play in the well-being of your children and grandchildren and all the students at Trinity. We especially want to highlight the amazing work that parents are doing to juggle their work and care for their children, which has been increased by the return to remote learning. On this Mother’s Day, we recognize that mothers are a blessing and tremendously loved!

J-D Lussier