Trinity’s Talk of the Town

Dear Parents,

One of the best ways to gain insight is to ask the experts. This is precisely what we did this morning at chapel when I had the opportunity to host Trinity’s Talk of the Town, where our expert student panel shared their thoughts. Our conversation centered around our theme for the year “Firmly Founded, Faithfully Flourishing” and their own experience at Trinity.

Our panel was made of students from our Student Leadership/Student Council Team.

Here is what they had to say:

Question #1- What is one way that Trinity has helped you to be firmly founded either spiritually or academically?

“Trinity has helped me by worshiping God at chapel. I feel the love of the Lord in my heart and mind.” -Liam H. Gr 5

“Trinity focuses on God’s word and has helped me understand the Bible more.”- Ayla A. Gr.5

“I have developed a better relationship with God since coming to Trinity as a result of lessons in class.” -Claire P. Gr 5

Question #2- What does flourishing mean to you or what does it look like?

“Flourishing is like a flower in the Spring, where we are opening and growing in God.”- Rachel H. Gr 8

“Flourishing is like a tree growing with fruits of the Lord. We grow kinder, helping us be good people in the Lord’s eyes.” -Liam H. Gr 5

“It’s growing the fruits of the Spirit.” -Ayla A. Gr 5

Question #3- What has been your favourite memory from your time at Trinity so far?

“My time at Camp Medeba”- Rachel H. Gr 8

“Events like Fun Day, Sports Teams, and Spirit Days. -Claire P. Gr5

As you can see for yourself, our students are forming a firm foundation in their faith and beginning to flourish in a variety of ways. Throughout the year, we will have other opportunities to hear from some of our alumni and other students, who share how they have been shaped by God through the ministry of Trinity Christian School over the past 60 years. We are excited about all God has done and is continuing to do.


J-D Lussier, Principal