teachers, students, schools

The Importance of Unity

Dear Parents,

If you have been following the news lately, you may have noticed that division and mistrust of others, particularly those of different cultural backgrounds, has taken center stage in our society.

While the rhetoric is that we are “evolving” as a society and more aware of our differences, the sad reality is that we are more divided than ever. This has been exemplified by the recent escalation of violence towards Asian communities in North America.

Recently, I read a book about a framework for Christian education and there was a particular quote on diversity that resonated with me. It says that “God’s creation consists of diversity in unity. God delights in variety and differences. Human beings, too, are diverse in their abilities, giftings, backgrounds, interests, but are loved and valued by the Creator and are an integral part of the body of Christ. While uniformity and standardization tend to be rewarded in our society, the school will nurture differences and allow diversity to flourish” (Transformational Education).

While we have not arrived at that ideal yet at Trinity, this is what we are striving for. As part of our chapel today, we had the opportunity to learn about and connect with our sister school, “La Esperanza”. Members of their school, including their principal and students from grade 4, 5, and 6, joined us virtually to share more about what their reality is like and taught us some Spanish words. Click here for this chapel link. We were able to celebrate our differences, while also feeling unity in Christ with our fellow brothers and sisters who are very far away. We also learned about how the “Write to Hope” project benefits those students directly and how we can show care and support for them. The money that we brought in today as part of our “Beach Day” is one way we are doing this.

It is in these opportunities that we can build a deeper connection and appreciation for those who do not look exactly like us and experience life through a different lens than our own. In that process, we see God at work in our lives to help us love one another in a way that brings His kingdom to earth and offers redemption and reconciliation.When we recognize the uniqueness and value of each person God has created, then we can in turn love more deeply and offer true hope to our lost world.

J-D Lussier