
Dear Parents,

A reoccurring theme that has been arising in multiple spheres of my life is the importance of praying and asking God frequently for what I have need of. I was reminded that God particularly responds to our prayers that come from a place of desperation at our point of need and are coupled with a position of humility and dependance on God. 

Whether through church service, small group, the Burlington Prayer breakfast or chapel this morning, a  sense of dependency on God was a central focus. In addition, our guest speaker, Mr. G., reminded us that there is an important connection between our prayers and forgiveness. God has been so gracious and compassionate to us by wiping our debts clean through His death on the cross. In exchange, we are called on to forgive others and not hold their smaller debts against them, as we can see in Matthew 18. What’s more is that Jesus made this clear to us in the Lord’s Prayer, as he teaches us to, “and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” 

Living in community can be messy at times and it can require us to forgive each other at times. What we know though is that God is moved by our heart posture when we humble ourselves and are willing to extend grace to others. 

What is particularly  beautiful is that we have parents and students who lift up our community weekly in prayer. There are times where we can visibly see how God is answering their prayers by sustaining us and protecting us both individually and collectively as a school community.

As we close out this school year, we encourage you to keep us in prayer, so that God can receive glory for what He is doing among us. Also, consider joining our Parents in Prayer each Thursday right after chapel. You will leave blessed and inspired by their passion for our school.

J-D Lussier, Principal