Dear Parents,
We are just past the halfway mark of the school year, as we enter the month of February. This is also a special month at Trinity as we focus on the theme of kindness. Coming out of the cold, darker days of winter, we can sometimes feel sluggish and more irritable. Students have also become accustomed to their classmates, but can more easily let their guard down in how they treat others. This can begin to affect relationships in the process. How timely it is to hit the reset button so to speak and focus on intentionally being kind to others and put them first.
This is precisely what God calls us to do in our relationship with others, even when we may feel the other person doesn’t deserve the best treatment. In Jesus’ most popular and revolutionary teaching on the Sermon on the Mount, we discover His upside down kingdom in which we are called to “walk the extra mile” and “love our enemies”. This means that even those who are unkind deserve our love and kindness according to Jesus.
This is one of the reasons why we believe that it is not enough to just be against or anti-bullying, but rather we are called to a higher standard of being kind to both those who deserve it and those who don’t. It is also about standing up for others and caring for those who are hurting. It’s also letting go of past hurts and moving forward. This is behind the words of the Apostle Paul that reminds us to “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32. I
In order to encourage our students to display the fruit of the spirit and particularly kindness, we will be having a friendly competition as a school to promote acts of kindness over the next 3 weeks. Students will be writing down acts of kindness that someone else has shown towards them. These will go into a jar in each classroom, and we will keep a tally of these kind acts. At the end of the month, the kindness class will receive a Donut Party. Our hope is that this will foster hearts of kindness, as we invite God to do a work in our hearts and lead us in serving one another.
J-D Lussier, Principal