Our Primary Goal
The Kindergarten program seeks to provide for the interests and needs of each child. A primary goal is to make the child more aware of God's love, and to explore with wonder the intricacies of God's world by focusing on areas which touch a child's everyday life. Thus, the focus goes far beyond academic development to address the child's growth in all facets of their being, including intellectual, as well as emotional, physical, and spiritual. As each child learns more about themselves and God's world they are also challenged to live as God's child in His service.
We believe children…
- are made in the image of God and that each child is loved by Him.
- learn best in a safe and caring environment.
- learn best when they feel a sense of achievement and self worth.
- learn at their own developmental level
- learn by building on past experience.
- learn through play, using all their senses
- learn through repetition.
- are active learners who benefit from manipulation and experiencing a variety of materials and situations.
Kindergarten Learning Framework
Mastery of Knowledge and Skills
The Kindergarten Learning Framework is influenced by our responsive pedagogy to reach each student. We recognize that each child enters kindergarten from a wide range of readiness and we strive to support meaningful learning in a way that is best suited to the child’s strengths and needs.
The components of the kindergarten program intentionally focus on three dimensions of student achievement; mastery of knowledge and skills (with a strong emphasis in literacy and numeracy), character development and creating beautiful work.
Numeracy: The goal of the kindergarten mathematics program is to develop an understanding of mathematical concepts through the use of concrete materials. Through both whole class and small group instruction, students will use a variety of manipulatives to develop both conceptual and procedural mathematical skills related to patterning, counting, sorting, classifying, comparing and graphing.
Literacy: The kindergarten literacy program aligns with the Science of Reading systematic teaching focusing on the components of literacy instruction including:
- Phonemic awareness: students will learn that spoken words are made up of individual sounds.
- Phonics: students will learn the 44 sounds of the English language needed to decode the English alphabet. Decodable readers are introduced to students once they reach a certain level of reading competency.
- Vocabulary and Comprehension: students will learn reading comprehension strategies and develop their vocabulary through daily read-alouds that engage students to make connections, ask questions, predict and infer text, and apply these skills to their own reading readiness.
- Students will also be introduced to writing skills and encouraged to experiment with writing using their knowledge of language to express their ideas.
Culture and Character
Creating and fostering character through a healthy learning culture is essential for successful learning and nurturing faith. It is our goal to help our students develop a love and knowledge of God and to show that love to others. Through Bible stories, devotions, prayer, and through example, we encourage the child to grow in faith.
We believe that a Spirit-filled community will reveal the fruit as outlined in Galatians 5:22-23 -- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
The character traits we desire to embody within our school community are as follows:
Awaken Curiosity
- Wonder: awe-filled exploration of God’s World
- Delight: joy in discovery
Nurture Faith
- Gratitude: thankful recognition of God’s love and forgiveness through Jesus
- Integrity: growing in ways to help others see Jesus in me
Inspire Learners to Reflect Jesus Everywhere
- Courage: stepping out of my comfort zone in my learning and relationships
- Compassion: empathy and care for self and others as Jesus’ hands and feet
Creating Beautiful Work
Just like our God creates, all children are creative beings. Through art, drama, music, and a variety of learning activities, students will have the opportunity to develop their creativity and create and share beautiful work. We strive to pursue opportunities for students to transfer their knowledge and skills to authentic contexts and create a body of work that shows craftsmanship, depth of thinking, and creative application. Students are encouraged to present their work to audiences and communicate their thinking.
Are You and Your Child Ready for Kindergarten?
A Kindergarten Day
8:35 – Entry into school
8:50 - Morning Meeting:
-- This half hour block is a community-building time involving devotions and prayer, greeting, sharing, Morning Message and an activity.
9:15 - Activity Time
10:30 - Washroom/Snack
10:50 - Recess
11:15 - Gym / French
12:15 - Literacy Block
--This time involves our phonics program, writing, handwriting, guided reading, and a Library visit (once per week).
12:45 - Washroom/Lunch
1:15 - Recess
1:40 - Quiet time
1:50 - Math
2:10 - Bible
2:30 - Play (free play and centres)
3:00 - Clean up and closing circle
3:25 - Dismissal
**These times are subject to change from year to year.
"This guide offers a snapshot of what Trinity Christian School stands for, highlights what makes it a great choice for many families, and helps you and your child prepare confidently. Together, let us awaken curiosity, nurture faith, and inspire learners to reflect Jesus everywhere." —Blessings, J-D Lussier
Extended Kindergarten Program
At Trinity Christian School we offer a 3, 4 or 5-day program in Kindergarten. Our core curriculum days are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Tuesday is an optional program day that is a little less structured than our regular core program days. On Tuesday we offer a wonderful balance of play-based learning and a review of skills that have been taught. On the Tuesday option, we also enjoy an outdoor education program that begins mid-October.
Our Friday program is also an optional day where our students learn through play. This day is spent listening to stories, playing and discovering at play centers, and enjoying lots of social time with friends. Once the year has begun, our parents may choose to join Kindergarten Tuesday and/or Friday after the 1st term or after the 2nd term if there is room
Admissions and Registration
In order for a family to enroll their children at Trinity Christian School, a family must first apply for admission.
Children to be registered for Junior Kindergarten must be 4 years old as of December 31. Children to be registered in Senior Kindergarten must be 5 years old as of December 31. These children ought to be self-reliant in the bathroom and demonstrate a level of social maturity that is age-appropriate. A Kindergarten Screening Questionnaire will be sent for parents to fill out.
Upon registration, parents are to bring their child's proof of age (birth certificate, passport, etc.), and their Health Card number. Identification of any specific allergies or physical needs should also be brought to the school's attention at this time.
Our school uses an online program named Sycamore for school and class information. Once registered, you will be given a login to set up your account. More information on the program will be made available to you upon completion of registration.