Glory of God

Dear Parents,

We were privileged today to welcome some guests from FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes), which has established a local presence here in Ontario and Canada, while they also serve communities around the world. Their vision is, “To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes”, with the mission of leading “every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus.” 
While we have many athletes in our school who particularly resonate with their mission, we also know that not everyone fits into this category. That being said, the values they instil: integrity, serving, teamwork, and excellence, match up very well with our own Character traits. As a result, there is much synergy between our organizations.

This morning, Hans Ostrem, who is the Executive Director in Canada, came to speak to our students. He shared about the importance of making sure that Jesus is our top priority in our life and that we understand our purpose. Just as a rugby ball or hockey puck has a specific purpose and use, so too we are designed by God to have a specific purpose in the way we live our lives. Moreover, we need to be reminded that we all, “play or work with purpose” to glorify God and not ourselves. Hans highlighted how it is easy to lose sight of this and elevate other things, such as sports, above that, but the Bible is what brings this back into focus.

What a great word to remind us that we don’t find our identity or purpose in what we can do, but rather in the one who enables us to do it. As 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

We look forward to having FCA partner with us in various ways throughout the year and pray it will be a source of encouragement to all of our students.  
J-D Lussier, Principal