Firmly Founded

Dear Parents,

We are officially off and running for our 60th time as a school. What a blessing it was to start the year together as a community on Tuesday! It was great to see so many of you who were able to join us for our Welcome Coffee and Opening Chapel. I can say that my favourite part was seeing so many smiling and excited faces who were eager to start their learning journey with us.

While every school year is special in its own unique way, this year is particularly noteworthy as a milestone that signals 3 generations of Christian education in Burlington. It is an occasion to look back and reflect on the legacy of our school, which involved sacrifices from so many families over the years. It is a testament to God’s incredible faithfulness to us and the firm foundation that has been built on Christ who is our rock. This is part of what we unpacked during chapel, as we talked about being Firmly Founded.

Of equal importance though, it is also a point in time to look ahead and think about what will be here for future generations. God desires for us to remain faithful in the calling He has placed on us individually, but also collectively as a school. He has great plans for us to flourish and bear much fruit for His glory and His kingdom. He desires for us to walk in love and obedience to His word, which gives us confidence that He will bless us and watch over us in the process.

Let us continue to commit our plans to the Lord in prayer, as we journey together in the school year ahead!

J-D Lussier, Principal