Dear Parents,
When we think about what was the catalyst of Jesus’ ministry while He was on earth, we quickly find that “he was moved with compassion” or “felt compassion”, as can be seen in Matthew 9:36. It was His compassion that led to a response of kindness and gentleness to those who were suffering or needed help. He focused on those that were considered “weak” or “marginalized” by the society He lived in.
This was the backdrop to our Service Project today, as we continue through our theme of kindness throughout the month. In thinking about those who are suffering or vulnerable, we turned our attention to Childhood Cancer Awareness, which took place on February 15th. As a school, we wore Gold colors to recognize this day and show our support to those who are battling cancer or supporting a family member doing so.
We also wanted to have our compassion move us to action, so we collectively made some beautiful butterflies and postcards that will be distributed to children in our local hospitals who are battling cancer and to their families. Our prayer is that God will use these encouraging messages to touch their hearts and for them to know they are loved by God and our community.
As part of our chapel, we welcomed back the Kariuki’s who we have been partnering with to support Abba’s Home Ministries in Madagascar. In December, we raised money as a school by selling Candy Canes to bless children in need that attend a school there. As a result, they were able to get gifts and desks, as we cared for their tangible needs.
What a wonderful way to celebrate God’s faithfulness and to see how God uses our compassion and kindness for His Glory and to meet the needs of his children.
J-D Lussier,