The Interpretation of Integrity 

January 27, 2023

Dear Parents, One of the things that fascinates me about the English language is how the same word can have several definitions, but each meaning can add a rich layer…

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Put your Thankfulness into Action

October 12, 2022

Dear Parents, Take a moment to look around at God’s creation and the people in your life. From the vibrant colours of the leaves to the joyous sound of children…

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At the Table

September 29, 2022

Dear Parents, Greetings from Winnipeg! As I am writing this, I’m currently in my hotel room pondering what I have experienced the last few days as part of the Christian…

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A Sense of Wonder

September 22, 2022

Dear Parents, Character development is one of the areas that we value most, as part of your child(ren)’s educational journey at Trinity. While knowledge is foundational to education, character is…

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A Good Shepherd

September 15, 2022

Dear Parents, Here we are in week 2 of the school year. The routines are starting to be established and with it some of the highs and lows of the…

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Welcoming our New Teachers!

September 12, 2022

Dear Parents, We want to welcome and introduce you to the new staff members at Trinity. We are blessed to have them as part of our community. Mandi Schenk –…

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September 8, 2022

Dear Parents, For those of you who were able to join us on Tuesday, you can attest that there was a tangible excitement and optimism in the air, as we…

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Small, but Mighty

May 19, 2022

Dear Parents, Our theme today in chapel was “Small, but Mighty!” Our grade 3 students gave us some beautiful illustrations from nature as to how God has made some small…

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Pieces of Art

May 12, 2022

Dear Parents, For a moment, picture a beautiful piece of art. It could be something hanging in a museum or on your mantle at home. The art itself could be…

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Support: A Key Ingredient to Success

May 5, 2022

Dear Parents, What is one of the most important ingredients to the success of any team, organization, or community? When we think of some of the all-time great athletes like…

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