Rhythm & Routine

September 13, 2018
photo of a pocket watch

Dear parents, As we began our second week of school, I was reminded of the importance of rhythm and routine in our lives. After a summer full of vacations, trips,…

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Welcome to the new school year!

September 6, 2018
photo of students and teachers in assembly

Dear parents, I’m thrilled that you have chosen to partner with us by sending your child(ren) to Trinity for the 2018-2019 school year. Whether you have been a part of…

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Introducing our new Principal!

June 27, 2018

We are pleased to announce that Mr. Jean-Daniel Lussier has accepted the position of Principal at Trinity beginning August 2018. Mr. Lussier comes to us from Emmanuel Christian School in…

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Kindergarten Information Morning

January 27, 2018

Please tell all your family and friends about our Kindergarten Information Morning on Friday, February 9, 2017, from 9 to 11 am. The kindergarten information morning provides a wonderful opportunity for…

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Welcome Aboard

August 23, 2016

It is with great pleasure that we announce the hiring of Kim Abela as Trinity’s new Communication and Office Administrator.  Kim is a Trinity Parent Rep and a firm supporter…

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To Parents Who Are Concerned About the Education of their Children

October 3, 2015

Are you or someone you know concerned about the education of our children? Dr. Roy W. Lowrie, Jr. Ed. D. has written the following letter to you. Education is a…

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Meet a Teacher: Mr. Jason Jarvis

June 16, 2015

My name is Jason Jarvis and I have the privilege of joining the Trinity staff in September 2015. I have been apart of the Trinity community for about 6 years…

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Improving Literacy Learning: PD Day Update

April 16, 2015

Trinity’s Professional Development (PD) day on March 12th allowed teachers to meet together at the school to further deepen their understanding of literacy instruction and assessment. Sue Jackson, a national…

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Kindergarten at Trinity: A Great Place To Start

April 3, 2015

Where to send your son or daughter to kindergarten is a very important decision, considering the fact that children in this age group are developing so fast. They are expanding…

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