Another Chapter

Dear Parents,

As of tomorrow, our 2023-2024 school year will officially come to an end. It’s another chapter in the story that God is writing in our lives and that of our community. Whenever a chapter concludes, there are celebrations and goodbyes. This week has been filled with these, as we convened for our Grade 8 graduation on Tuesday and Kindergarten Celebration on Wednesday. 
This continued this morning as we took time to celebrate all together as part of our final chapel. Mrs. Morrow took time to highlight several milestones in her own life that correlated very well with our own lives and demonstrated how this fits into the larger story of God’s timeline. While celebrations are filled with joy, they also cause us to reflect on the past and point us to the future. This was certainly the case as we also celebrated the passage of some special people who will be leaving us next year at Trinity. While Mrs. Karikuki will only be taking a pause with a step away for one year, Miss V and Mrs. Breukelman will be moving to other areas. We cannot thank them enough for the way they have been a blessing to our community. We pray that God will watch over them and continue to use them for His Glory in their new communities.

We also want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of you parents who entrust your children to us everyday. You are such an important part of our community and we could not do this without your partnership.

We wish all of you a wonderful summer filled with joy and rest and look forward to seeing you again this fall.

J-D Lussier, Principal