Limited space is available for the 2024/25 school year. Please fill out our inquiry form to learn more.

Planting bulbs for the spring.

The unique Christian education that your children will experience at Trinity Christian School is not a commodity.

It's a ministry.

It's a commitment.

And it's a connection—a connection between your family's educational values and Trinity's values.

Once you've filled out our inquiry form, the first step in enrolment at Trinity is to schedule an appointment to tour our facility and meet for a free Educational Success Consultation. Our principal  will be glad to discuss how your family’s specific educational needs can be met and provide you with tuition costs and financial aid options.

Schedule your Educational Success Consultation today by completing our inquiry form. The information you provide will help us serve you better. We will contact you right away once we receive your inquiry to schedule your visit. We look forward to meeting you and answering any questions you may have regarding your child’s educational future.

In Christ,
J-D Lussier

Trinity Inquiry Form