
Dear Parents,

When we think about Trinity’s history and what has changed over the years, one area that particularly stands out is the cultural and linguistic diversity within our school. Having had the opportunity to hear many different stories from alumni and parents of graduates from the last 60 years, I discovered that this was part of the original vision for our school. Trinity has distinct Dutch roots with its founding members having immigrated to Canada from Holland. They were devout Christians from a Reformed worldview that had deep convictions and commitments to Christian education and desired for their children to receive this type of education as well. Rather than keep the gift of Christian education to themselves, they wanted all Christian families to have access to Trinity for which we continue to be thankful.

This vision from 60 years ago has become a reality, as we now have Christian families from over 50 churches and 5 different continents. We see this illustrated vividly in the kaleidoscope of skin tones represented throughout our school. This was also beautifully featured during our chapel today, as our grade 6 students shared personal stories of immigration to Canada and the impact this had on their families. We also heard verses read in several languages that featured the native tongues of these students. What a wonderful way to create a sense of wonder and celebrate the diversity within our school.

What has united us from the beginning and continues to do so today is our common faith in Jesus Christ as our Saviour. He is our Firm foundation from which all else stems and why we can continue to move forward in faith. We hope that you will come and celebrate these past 60 years with us at our Gala in 3 weeks, where we will hear many of these stories of God’s faithfulness in our school firsthand.

J-D Lussier