Reflect on the journey

Dear Parents,

It’s hard to believe the school year is coming to a close. While the warmer weather signals that summer is on its way, the final few months have seemed to fly by in a flurry of events and activities at Trinity. In these moments, it is good to take a pause and reflect on the journey we have been on.
This was part of the goal this morning as we recognized the many contributions our students made to make this year a success. One of the biggest contributions that had a community wide impact was the work of our Service Teams. All of the students in grade 5-8 learned to serve at Trinity both inside our school and outside extending into Burlington and beyond. These teams embodied our mission of, “Reflecting Jesus Everywhere” by tangibly being His hands and feet. What a wonderful way of using a variety of talents and gifts for God’s glory.

In addition, we highlighted the ways our school wide Trinity Teams learned to serve together by tackling various Service Projects to bless the broader community. From Chalk Art to Christmas Cards to Flowers and Food Drives, our students found ways to shine God’s light and reflect Him to our Tansley Neighbours. 

We also took time to celebrate the hard work that our students put into various activities and clubs ranging from Painting to Choir to Robotics to Athletics and everything in between. Their talents and gifts are plentiful and we give God the glory for them, as nothing that we do could be accomplished without God’s strength and blessing.

Finally, we recognized our grade 8 class and all of the contributions they have made to our school, as this was their final chapel with us. We are particularly grateful for the impact they have had on our Praise & Worship team who lead us faithfully into God’s presence each week. In all these things, we borrow the words of 1 Chronicles 29:13: “And now we thank you, Our God, and praise your glorious name.”
J-D Lussier, Principal