Be strong and courageous

Dear Parents,

Last week as part of our Staff Spiritual retreat, we were reminded that the command that is repeated the most often in scripture is “Fear not” or “Don’t be afraid”. Clearly, our hearts and minds need this reminder often, as fear is a tactic of the enemy that immobilizes us and keeps us from moving in the right direction. 
On the opposite side of the equation is courage. This is the antidote to fear and often comes as a package deal in scripture. An example of this is Deuteronomy 31:6, which says, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” As Christians, we can see the reason for which we do not need to fear. God is with us and puts courage at our disposal to give us the strength to overcome fear.

This morning during our chapel time, the Grade 4 class reminded us of this truth and gave us several examples from scripture of how we can be courageous. What’s more, they did all of this in French. There’s a display of courage right there! In addition, they interviewed several students around the school to collect examples of what courage means to them. 

One definition of courage from our students that particularly caught my attention was “Doing what you know is right even if it will cost you something.” Wow! What a challenge to all of us to do what we know is needed without giving in to fear and the pressures placed on ourselves internally and externally from the world around us.

J-D Lussier, Principal