
Dear Parents,

Throughout the month of November, we have been focusing on the theme of Courage. Our grade 7 students reminded us this morning that courage moves us to action and shared several verses with us. One of my favourite verses they highlighted is Joshua 1:9, which says, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
I love how the Lord is so direct in this verse. He doesn’t make a suggestion to be courageous, but rather it is an imperative or command. He also recognizes that our heart leans towards fear, but he again tells us not to be frightened or dismayed. Another way of looking at the word dismayed is to be shaken up by things or alarmed. If you look at the world around us, it can be easy to fall into this trap. Whether because of war, politics, or the presence of evil in this world, our hearts can quickly slip into a state of discomfort and unease. We can focus our attention on the darkness instead of the light.

In contrast, God commands us to look up and see the light. He calls us to courage and strength to face what is evil with conviction and to move forward in confidence. How can we do that? Because He is with us wherever we go.

Yesterday, I was able to observe a group of our students being courageous by stepping out of their comfort zone. Our Trinity Choir was asked to sing a few songs for a recording of One Hundred Huntley St. As a result, they went to their studios, where they performed on the stage in front of many cameras and producers. Despite some nervousness, they pushed through with courage knowing that they had a powerful message to share of God’s goodness to us by sending Jesus to the earth as our new born Savior.

We also have a family in need of our prayers for God’s courage and strength. This weekend we were saddened to hear that Hernan Ayala Sr. passed away suddenly. Please pray for Bettina (Gr. 7) along with Hernan Jr. and Graciela (Trinity grads) and the entire Ayala-Pantaleoni family.

J-D Lussier, Principal