Out of Darkness: Life and Hope

Dear parents,

I was recently reminded of how God creates beautiful things out of what we perceive as darkness. Someone close to me passed away unexpectedly in less than ideal circumstances. Aside from a sense of grief and loss, one of my first thoughts was what a waste it represented that this life was taken so quickly. On the surface and to the human eye, there weren’t any positives that could be taken out of this situation.

Thankfully, we serve a God that is in the business of redemption and always has something to add to the story. As details continued to leak out, there slowly began to emerge some light in the story. This became clearer during the celebration of life, as reflections were made that pointed the audience to the cross and the hope that is found in Christ alone.

In the days that followed, we began to hear stories of people connected to this individual who were longing for a sense of purpose and direction in their own lives. Through the work of the Spirit, these people decided that they would choose a better path for their own life that would lead them away from destruction and to the arms of a loving Saviour. This is the gospel story that out of tragedy, the loss of God’s own son, emerges life and hope through the resurrection. In the darkness corner, God creates a spark that ignites a flame, which illuminates the world around us.

J-D Lussier, Principal